Arseni Mourzenko

Founder and lead developer

De­vel­op­er, ar­chi­tect, pro­ject man­ag­er, tester, and ac­tive De­vOps sup­port­er, I'm study­ing, ob­serv­ing and ad­vis­ing com­pa­nies which have an im­por­tant risk to fail their IT-re­lat­ed pro­jects. I spe­cial­ize in qual­i­ty and pro­duc­tiv­i­ty.

Af­ter six years of free­lanc­ing, I worked for sev­er­al com­pa­nies, in­clud­ing Tata Con­sul­tan­cy Ser­vices. To­day, I'm a hap­py mem­ber of Fi­naxys. I most­ly work with Lin­ux, Python, and Node.js, as well as the Mi­crosoft stack.

Out­side in­for­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy, I'm in­ter­est­ed by pho­tog­ra­phy.

I'm most­ly ac­tive on SE.SE; I'm not reg­is­tered in any so­cial net­works, as I don't see the point.

If you want to con­tact me, my email is shown above. Feel free to drop me a note about any de­vel­op­ment-re­lat­ed dis­cus­sions. If you live in Paris or want to vis­it Paris, you're very wel­come to con­tact me too.


177 articles