
Arseni Mourzenko
Founder and lead developer
December 11, 2020
Tags: rant 34 productivity 36

Im­por­tant note: this ar­ti­cle fo­cus­es specif­i­cal­ly on Share­Point work­flows. What is writ­ten here doesn't ap­ply to Win­dows Work­flow Foun­da­tion (WF) and sim­i­lar work­flow tools, which have a per­fect­ly valid us­age and em­pow­er de­vel­op­ers with the abil­i­ty to make some busi­ness rules eas­i­er to change by non-tech­ni­cal users. While WF and source code are com­ple­men­tary, work­flows for Share­Point sub­sti­tute to the code. This means that their na­ture is very dif­fer­ent from gen­er­al work­flow tools.

I spent a week on a Nin­tex train­ing ses­sion. For those who don't know, Nin­tex is a com­pa­ny which cre­at­ed an al­ter­na­tive for work­flows in a con­text of Share­Point. The goal:

While I agree with the fact that the tool is more pow­er­ful than its free lit­tle broth­er, I'll try to show in the fol­low­ing ar­ti­cle how wrong the ap­par­ent sim­plic­i­ty is. Try­ing to cre­ate a tool which is sim­ple and easy by be­ing vi­su­al, Nin­tex only achieved some­thing which wastes your time and kills your pro­duc­tiv­i­ty while en­cour­ag­ing you to bang your head and ul­ti­mate­ly killing your­self try­ing to solve any prob­lem which can be solved writ­ing five lines of code in any pro­gram­ming lan­guage.


The most im­por­tant draw­back seems to be the poor user ex­pe­ri­ence which leads to slow­er work. Pro­gram­ming is about text, and this is what makes it par­tic­u­lar­ly pow­er­ful, as well as fast. In any 3GL cou­pled with a com­pre­hen­sive frame­work, a few key­strokes are enough to cre­ate a lot of busi­ness log­ic. With work­flows, the sim­plest log­ic be­comes a pain, trans­lat­ed into dozens of clicks, drag & drops and lots and lots of forms to fill.

Let's take a sim­ple ex­am­ple. We want to load the list of prod­ucts to pre­order and email them to a spe­cif­ic per­son. We start by load­ing the data from a list and ex­clud­ing the du­pli­cates. If the re­sult­ing se­quence con­tains some­thing, we con­cate­nate the names (a com­ma and a space are in­sert­ed in be­tween) and pre­fix them with “Prod­ucts to pre­order.” If the re­sult­ing se­quence is emp­ty, just put a log mes­sage say­ing that, well, there is noth­ing to pre­order.

This is the re­sult us­ing Nin­tex Work­flows:

For each step, there were plen­ty of clicks and plen­ty of in­for­ma­tion to fill in forms. A com­plete night­mare, giv­en the ex­treme sim­plic­i­ty of the task. In­deed, if we com­pare that to source code, the re­sults are fun­ny to look at:

var uniqueNames = this.Data.ProductsQueue.Select(p => p.Name).Distinct();
if (uniqueNames.Any())
    var message = "Products to preorder: " + string.Join(", ", uniqueNames);
    this.Messaging.Send(this.Messaging.ToDefault, message);
    this.LogInfo("There are no products to preorder.");

In six lines of code, you can see the whole log­ic at once. No clicks re­quired.

The fact that we deal with text makes it pos­si­ble to em­pow­er de­vel­op­ers with many nice tools, such as auto-com­ple­tion, syn­tax high­light­ing and refac­tor­ing. On Lin­ux, grep and oth­er pow­er­ful tools can be used as well. Fi­nal­ly, text ed­i­tors such as vim or Vi­su­al Stu­dio make it ex­treme­ly easy to cut and paste, undo, move blocs of code, search through code and auto-for­mat it to make the life of a pro­gram­mer as easy as pos­si­ble. When deal­ing with work­flows, even a task as easy as copy-past­ing the log­ic of a con­di­tion (for ex­am­ple when switch­ing from an if/else block to an execute-if block) is im­pos­si­ble: if you have five con­di­tions match­ing vari­ables to field val­ues, this means twen­ty form fields to change by hand.

Those are not the only ben­e­fits of plain text ap­proach­es. We, de­vel­op­ers, rely on dai­ly ba­sis on many oth­er tools: back­ground com­pi­la­tion which dis­cov­ers the er­rors near­ly in­stant­ly as we write them, sta­t­ic analy­sis which pre­vents us from in­tro­duc­ing sub­tle and dif­fi­cult to find bugs, for­mal­ized re­views which help us to be­come bet­ter at what we are do­ing, while find­ing even more bugs be­fore they reach pro­duc­tion.

Plain text also im­plies the ben­e­fits of a ver­sion con­trol: ver­sion­ing with diff, blame, branch­ing, op­ti­mistic/pes­simistic con­cur­ren­cy con­trol. With Nin­tex work­flows, don't even think about work­ing on a work­flow at the same time as your col­league. It's like stor­ing source code in a shared fold­er and try­ing to change it in par­al­lel: you'll see fun­ny things hap­pen­ing all the time.

No­tice that the things I'm talk­ing about here are very ba­sic. It's not like I was blam­ing a work­flow tool for not sup­port­ing as­pect ori­ent­ed pro­gram­ming (AOP) or not hav­ing de­sign pat­terns. Could you list five oth­er things you have in your fa­vorite lan­guage and which is im­pos­si­ble to do with Nin­tex work­flows?


When it comes to de­bug­ging, it looks like the de­sign­ers of the work­flow tools made every­thing they could to avoid this part of the de­vel­op­ment process. The only tool which is ac­tu­al­ly im­ple­ment­ed in Nin­tex Work­flows is the abil­i­ty to put a mes­sage in a log. In oth­er words, if I want to be able to trace the ex­e­cu­tion of a work­flow in de­tails, I need to dou­ble the quan­ti­ty of work­flow en­tries. Ex­cept that I wouldn't, be­cause it ap­pears that in most cas­es, such log­ging is dis­abled in pro­duc­tion. Nice.

Even worse, Nin­tex Work­flows will be very po­lite with you and will nev­er blame you for mak­ing mis­takes, un­like com­pil­ers do. In fact, if you do make a mis­take, Nin­tex Work­flows will usu­al­ly skip over, pro­duc­ing a com­plete­ly in­con­sis­tent re­sult, and let you fig­ure out what hap­pened. You want to load a se­quence into a num­ber and then do a forEach on this num­ber? With Nin­tex Work­flows, you can! (“For God's sake, why isn't it loop­ing, while there are el­e­ments in my col­lec­tion?!”)

The fun­ni­est part is that it's one thing where work­flows could ex­cel. Every step could log its in­puts and out­puts, and even­tu­al­ly its in­ter­nal work­ings spe­cif­ic to the type of ac­tion. For in­stance, a loop could log the time it took to ex­e­cute each it­er­a­tion.

Now com­pare this to code. In pro­gram­ming, we have step-by-step de­bug­ging, we have break­points, we have ex­cep­tions with a stack trace. Would you ever work with a pro­gram­ming lan­guage which lacks those de­bug­ging fun­da­men­tals?

Pri­or to de­bug­ging per se, you of­ten have the ben­e­fit of sta­t­ic check­ers (which, let's be hon­est, find a lot of er­rors which would be­come bugs which might be dif­fi­cult to spot dur­ing de­bug­ging) and some­times (IDEs for C# or Java, for in­stance), you also ben­e­fit of back­ground com­pi­la­tion which makes it pos­si­ble to cor­rect bugs in near real-time.


Should I men­tion that there is no au­to­mat­ed test­ing for work­flows? Right, you test it by hand, and you dis­cov­er re­gres­sions through phone calls of your an­gry users.


When code is slow, one has to run a pro­fil­er and to find the bot­tle­neck. This doesn't re­solve the prob­lem, but at least makes it pos­si­ble to de­ter­mine pre­cise­ly where is the prob­lem.

Once the prob­lem is lo­cat­ed, one may run bench­marks and try dif­fer­ent op­ti­miza­tions. Ul­ti­mate­ly, a de­vel­op­er re­moves the bot­tle­neck through a bunch of tri­al and er­ror steps.

Nin­tex Work­flows shows how long every step takes with­in a giv­en run of a work­flow. This might help (al­though it's not gran­u­lar enough), but, se­ri­ous­ly, I have to hov­er over every step and com­pare them by hand? Any pro­fil­ing tool I've seen shows me the hot path, as well as the re­main­ing data in a for­mat I can ac­tu­al­ly use.

Also, what about the CPU load or mem­o­ry used? Nin­tex Work­flows con­sid­ers that I don't need this in­for­ma­tion.

Con­vo­lut­ed ap­proach of a prob­lem which doesn't ex­ist in the first place

For me, those work­flow tools rep­re­sent a con­vo­lut­ed ap­proach of a prob­lem which doesn't ex­ist in the first place. Com­pared to code, we are ex­pect­ing three ben­e­fits from work­flows:

So what is the al­ter­na­tive?

The al­ter­na­tive

It's ex­treme­ly sim­ple. Take a mes­sage queue ser­vice (MQS), an API and a Python script. Yes, that's all you need. The Python script in­ter­acts with both the API and the MQS. Let's see:

Some oth­er ben­e­fits:

In my hum­ble opin­ion, such work­flow tools are based pure­ly on mar­ket­ing, while pro­vid­ing ab­solute­ly no val­ue what­so­ev­er (if only could they be less harm­ful!) I wish things were dif­fer­ent, and I hope this overview of the sub­ject will help my fel­low de­vel­op­ers to de­fend their pro­ject against the in­tro­duc­tion of work­flows.