Nvidia control panel not showing

Diksha Singh
April 7, 2021
Tags: hardware 11

Nvidia con­trol pan­el is soft­ware that al­lows users to ad­just the dri­ver set­tings. It be­comes manda­to­ry for the user to ac­cess this con­trol pan­el through which they can change the set­tings of the graph­ics dri­ver.

Un­for­tu­nate­ly, there are in­stances where the Nvidia con­trol pan­el gets miss­ing from Win­dows 10. I have come across so many users who are ex­pe­ri­enc­ing the same is­sue with their Nvidia.

The is­sue most­ly oc­curs when de­fault graph­ics dri­ver starts man­ag­ing the is­sue of your sys­tem dis­play set­ting or if the Nvidia dri­ver is out­dat­ed/cor­rupt­ed.

If you also can’t find the Nvidia con­trol pan­el on your desk­top, then you have come to the right place.

What caus­es the is­sue?

Here are few caus­es which will help you to eas­i­ly iden­ti­fy the rea­son be­hind the is­sue.

How to re­store the con­trol pan­el?

There are sev­er­al meth­ods to re­store your Nvidia con­trol pan­el that is miss­ing on your Win­dows com­put­er. Try all the so­lu­tions one by one and check which one works for you. If eas­i­er fix­es don’t work then go for the ad­vanced tech­niques.

Man­u­al­ly open Nvidia con­trol pan­el

In this method, you can sim­ply force the Nvidia con­trol pan­el to open man­u­al­ly on your desk­top. Try to use this fix un­til you find a per­ma­nent so­lu­tion for the is­sue.

In your taskbar, right-click on the blank space.

  1. Se­lect Task Man­ag­er.
  2. In com­pact mode, click on Mode de­tails to view your de­tails.
  3. In the Process­es tab, scroll down and look for the Nvidia con­tain­er.
  4. If you have many ver­sions of this process, right-click on any ver­sion of the Nvidia Con­tain­er process.
  5. In the con­text menu, se­lect Open file lo­ca­tion.
  6. Next click on the Up ar­row which is lo­cat­ed at the top left side next to the ad­dress bar of File Ex­plor­er.
  7. Now go to C:\Pro­gram Files\NVIDIA Cor­po­ra­tion.
  8. Then open Con­trol Pan­el Client.
  9. You will find the exe file; right-click on it.
  10. Se­lect Run as ad­min­is­tra­tor.
  11. If it will ask for a pass­word then en­ter the pass­word of your ac­count.

Af­ter ap­ply­ing these above-giv­en steps, check that your con­trol pan­el is show­ing or not.

En­able NVIDIA con­trol pan­el

There is a pos­si­bil­i­ty that the con­trol pan­el might be hid­den on your desk­top af­ter up­dat­ing Nvidia graph­ics card soft­ware.

Soft­ware up­dates change the set­tings au­to­mat­i­cal­ly but it hap­pens very rarely. Let’s see how to get back the hid­den Nvidia con­trol pan­el:

  1. First to open the Run box, press the Win+R.
  2. Then type con­trol and hit En­ter.
  3. Con­trol Pan­el opens on your screen, se­lect Large icons un­der View by.
  4. Click on NVIDIA Con­trol Pan­el.
  5. Click on Desk­top or View.
  6. Choose Add Desk­top Con­text Menu un­der Desk­top or View.

Check whether the miss­ing Nvidia pan­el is re­stored or not. If you haven’t got back the pan­el in your desk­top, then move on to the oth­er so­lu­tion.

Re­in­stall graph­ics card dri­ver

The cor­rupt­ed dri­ver is also re­spon­si­ble for not show­ing the Nvidia pan­el. You have to re­in­stall the dri­ver to get back your pan­el.

Fol­low the be­low steps to re­in­stall the new dri­ver.

  1. Press the Win+X and click on De­vice Man­ag­er.
  2. Right-click on De­vice Man­ag­er un­der Dis­play adapter.
  3. Se­lect Unin­stall de­vice.
  4. Now, your dri­ver will get re­moved from Win­dows.
  5. Then open Nvidia down­load dri­ver web page to down­load a new dri­ver and choose the ap­pro­pri­ate prod­uct, prod­uct se­ries, and prod­uct type op­tions.
  6. Once it gets down­loaded, in­stall the new dri­ver on your sys­tem.
  7. Restart your com­put­er and check if the Nvidia con­trol pan­el is show­ing or not.

Restart the ser­vices of Nvidia

There are lots of ser­vices run­ning in your sys­tem. So let’s try to restart Nvidia ser­vices. On restart­ing, Nvidia pan­el may reap­pear.

When you fin­ish restart­ing all these above-men­tioned Nvidia ser­vices then check whether the pan­el is show­ing or not.

Fix miss­ing Nvidia con­trol pan­el by Nvidia sup­port

If all the above-giv­en so­lu­tions don’t work for you then try this method that is pro­vid­ed by Nvidia sup­port.

Now check for the Nvidia con­trol pan­el on your desk­top.

See also: How To Fix NVIDIA Con­trol Pan­el Not Show­ing On Win­dows 10?