What this blog is not for

Arseni Mourzenko
Founder and lead developer
October 8, 2016
Tags: short 50

This blog is a good place for rants and de­tailed analy­sis of spe­cif­ic sub­jects (but most­ly for rants), I al­ways found it a bad place for short tex­tu­al con­tent or con­tent con­sist­ing most­ly or ex­clu­sive­ly of me­dia.

For in­stance, if I want to rec­om­mend a book here, I feel ob­lig­at­ed to de­scribe the book in high de­tail, talk about what I liked about it, maybe even quote a few para­graphs. How­ev­er, there are cas­es where I don't have much in­ter­est­ing to say to fill an ar­ti­cle or don't have time to talk about a book in de­tail.

Sim­i­lar­ly, some pro­jects I do will nev­er ap­pear in this blog, be­cause there is no enough stuff for a real ar­ti­cle.

The fact that Pel­i­can De­sign & De­vel­op­ment's cor­po­rate web­site is way too out­dat­ed, not only be­cause it wasn't changed since 2013, but also be­cause the com­pa­ny sim­ply doesn't ex­ist, pushed me to fi­nal­ly re­place it en­tire­ly. I should have done it years ago, in­stead of let­ting so many per­sons be­lieve that I'm still a free­lancer, but, well, bet­ter late than nev­er.

When I start­ed work­ing on the new web­site, my ma­jor is­sue was to find the con­tent. What do I want to show to peo­ple? I was pret­ty sure two things were es­sen­tial: a short pre­sen­ta­tion, ex­plain­ing who I am and what Pel­i­can De­sign & De­vel­op­ment ac­tu­al­ly was, and a list of pro­jects that I can ex­tend over time (in my dreams, I would ac­tu­al­ly be able to in­dex dozens and dozens of pro­jects I worked on). And then, I thought that this could also be an op­por­tu­ni­ty to in­clude some­thing which is sim­i­lar to a blog, but for con­tent which is much less tex­tu­al, and much more me­dia-ori­ent­ed.

I'm hap­py to an­nounce that the new ver­sion of the web­site is now on­line. For now, it has only three “me­dia-cen­tered” ar­ti­cles, but more will ar­rive pro­gres­sive­ly, like this blog have seen more and more ar­ti­cles over time. Just like this blog, the web­site was made re­spon­sive to be used com­fort­ably on smart­phones and tablets. A print ver­sion isn't avail­able yet, but may be re­leased lat­er.

This is just the first step, and new fea­tures and con­tent will fol­low. One in­ter­est­ing thing would be to com­plete­ly re­design my pro­file de­scrip­tion, since nei­ther the PDF ver­sion of my re­sume, nor the Ca­reers pro­file are, in my opin­ion, rep­re­sen­ta­tive enough of what I did and what I do now.